Groups who want the Amazon.
There are many different groups who are fighting over the rain forest, because they want to use or preserve the resources for different causes. The groups are rubber tappers, Environmentalists, Loggers , Settlers ,and Native Amazonian. For example the rubber tappers are against the loggers for cutting down the trees that have sap in them to make the rubber products. But there are more conflicts between all the groups, mostly because of how each one wants to use the land. Which group will the Brazilian government pick to decide who can stay and who has to leave? Who do you think should stay?
Definitely the loggers kicked out. Rubber tappers don't hurt the environment, the Amazonians have lived there the longest and environmentalist help the amazon.
ReplyDeleteThe Brazilian government needs to set boundaries for all of these different groups to coexist within the same rain forrest. As a world wide society, we have set a high demand for the wood, cattle, rubber, and oxygen that the Amazon rain forest provides. The basic idea of reduce, reuse, recycle needs to be applied. For instance we need to reduce our daily use of wood; as of right now in the US each person consumes two pounds of wood per day. The loggers, rubber tappers and cattle ranchers need to reuse the same land cooperatively, extract the sap from the trees, the loggers then cut down the trees and the ranchers can then allow for the cattle to graze. Here the government can step in and then ban any further use of this land to allow for the regrowth of the forest and put it in the hands of the native Amazonians because after all they are the ones who have continually cared for the forest for generations. By recycling the cow droppings and tiling the dirt, the soil should have great fertilization and allow for growth. No matter how this issue is attacked, it is clear that it will take cooperation from all of those involved to ensure that the rain forest will still be around for all to enjoy.